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对预订 36 分钟的在线培训有疑问吗?




  • 我可以用现金支付吗?
  • 我可以获得免费视频吗?
    是的!我们提供 7 天免费试用。立即注册并查看我们的 HIIT 库。
  • 什么是 HIIT?
    HIIT 代表高强度间歇训练。短暂的剧烈运动和锻炼被短暂的休息分开(别担心,你可以喘口气)。我们将 HIIT 与功能训练、实践练习相结合,让您更好地为日常生活活动和所有冒险做好准备。
  • 如果我不确定怎么办?
  • How do I sign up for my free trial?
    No worries, that is easy. Just go over to plans and pricing, which you can select from our menu and that will walk you through it. Don't hesitate to reach out if you are having any issues.
  • I have some physical limitations, can I do these workouts?
    Yes. 100% you can. Our trainers always offer modifications to each exercise and the reality is that all of need to move at our own pace. So do not feel any pressure to do anything other than what is best for you and your fitness journey.



观看视频了解如何 重新安排课程

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Got questions about booking a 36-minute online training? Need to get you some High-Intensity Interval Training? Look no further...well, unless you cannot find the answer here. In that case, contact us and we will get you the answer.

  • 我可以用现金支付吗?
  • 我可以获得免费视频吗?
    是的!我们提供 7 天免费试用。立即注册并查看我们的 HIIT 库。
  • 什么是 HIIT?
    HIIT 代表高强度间歇训练。短暂的剧烈运动和锻炼被短暂的休息分开(别担心,你可以喘口气)。我们将 HIIT 与功能训练、实践练习相结合,让您更好地为日常生活活动和所有冒险做好准备。
  • 如果我不确定怎么办?
  • How do I sign up for my free trial?
    No worries, that is easy. Just go over to plans and pricing, which you can select from our menu and that will walk you through it. Don't hesitate to reach out if you are having any issues.
  • I have some physical limitations, can I do these workouts?
    Yes. 100% you can. Our trainers always offer modifications to each exercise and the reality is that all of need to move at our own pace. So do not feel any pressure to do anything other than what is best for you and your fitness journey.




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