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El equipo

Nos apasiona hacer que el fitness sea accesible para todos, en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento.

Todos nuestros entrenadores brindan opciones para principiantes y niveles avanzados para cada ejercicio durante su clase HIIT. Estamos aquí para ayudarlo a tener éxito en el logro de SUS objetivos. Entonces, donde sea que esté en su viaje de acondicionamiento físico al comenzar con nosotros, lo encontraremos donde se encuentre y lo alentaremos a crecer.

Arianna Brusa, HIIT36 Trainer


Entrenador físico y fundador

Arianna es Entrenadora Personal Certificada con más de 5 años de experiencia entrenando clientes 1 a 1 y dando clases grupales. Está obsesionada con el bienestar holístico, todo lo peludo y los viajes por el mundo. Ella te mantendrá motivado y sonriendo mientras cuenta los chistes más cursis en cada oportunidad posible.




Cat es una entrenadora personal certificada con 2 años de experiencia en entrenamiento grupal en su haber. Anteriormente, entrenó a niños en gimnasia, lo cual es apropiado porque es juguetona y divertida, todo mientras es una rudo entre las pesas. Puedes contar con Cat para hacerte reír, sudar y demostrar la voltereta perfecta.

Cat Swanson, HIIT36 Trainer


Entrenador físico e instructor de estiramiento

Kelsey tiene 3 años de experiencia como entrenadora personal certificada y 2 años como instructora de estiramiento. Utilizando estiramientos tanto estáticos como móviles, te ayuda a llegar más lejos y doblarte más profundo. Ella dirige nuestro Stretch Live! Sesiones una vez al mes, para una experiencia de estiramiento más específica e interactiva. Sus videos de estiramiento a pedido lo mantienen relajado y ágil en el medio.




Becca es Entrenadora Personal Certificada con más de 5 años de experiencia en el campo. La llaman “El Martillo” y por una buena razón; ella es una fuerza, dura pero justa. ¡Con ella a tu lado, puedes lograr todas tus metas!

Becca Jorge, HIIT36 Trainer
Image of dietitian, Kelsie Hill


Dietista registrado

Kelsie se graduó de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno con su Licenciatura en Nutrición y Dietética. Con un deseo genuino de ayudar a otros a comprender cómo alimentar y cuidar mejor sus cuerpos, Kelsie (y su cachorro, Lorenzo) completan a la perfección el enfoque holístico del equipo de HIIT36.

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The Team

We are über passionate about making fitness accessible to everyone, anywhere, at any time. All of our trainers provide options for beginners and advanced levels for each exercise during your HIIT classWe’re here to help YOU succeed at achieving YOUR goals.

So wherever you are on your fitness journey when starting with us, we’ll meet you where you’re at, and encourage you to grow.



Fitness Trainer & Founder

Arianna is a Certified Personal Trainer with over 5 years of experience training clients 1-on-1 and coaching group classes. She obsesses over holistic wellness, all things furry, and world travel. She’ll keep you motivated and smiling as she cracks the corniest jokes at every possible opportunity.



Fitness Trainer

Cat is a Certified Personal Trainer with 2 years of group training experience under her belt. Previously she coached kids gymnastics, which is fitting because she is playful, and fun, all while being a badass among the weights. You can count on Cat to make you laugh, sweat, and demonstrate the perfect cartwheel.



Fitness Trainer & Stretching Instructor

Kelsey has 3 years of experience as a Certified Personal Trainer and 2 years as a Stretching Instructor. Utilizing both static and mobile stretches she helps you to reach further and bend deeper. She leads our Stretch Live! Sessions once every month, for more a more specific and interactive stretch experience. Her on-demand stretch videos keep you loose and limber in between.

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Fitness Trainer

Becca is a Certified Personal Trainer with more than 5 years of experience in the field. They call her “The Hammer” and for good reason; she is a force, tough but fair. With her on your side, you can achieve all of your goals!



Registered Dietitian

Kelsie graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno with her Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. With a genuine desire to help others understand how to best feed and care for their bodies, Kelsie (and her puppy, Lorenzo) perfectly rounds out the holistic approach of the HIIT36 team!

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Fitness Trainer & Founder

Arianna is a Certified Personal Trainer with over 5 years of experience training clients 1-on-1 and coaching group classes. She obsesses over holistic wellness, all things furry, and world travel. She’ll keep you motivated and smiling as she cracks the corniest jokes at every possible opportunity.



Fitness Trainer

Cat is a Certified Personal Trainer with 2 years of group training experience under her belt. Previously she coached kids gymnastics, which is fitting because she is playful, and fun, all while being a badass among the weights. You can count on Cat to make you laugh, sweat, and demonstrate the perfect cartwheel.



Fitness Trainer & Stretching Instructor

Kelsey has 3 years of experience as a Certified Personal Trainer and 2 years as a Stretching Instructor. Utilizing both static and mobile stretches she helps you to reach further and bend deeper. She leads our Stretch Live! Sessions once every month, for more a more specific and interactive stretch experience. Her on-demand stretch videos keep you loose and limber in between.

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Fitness Trainer

Becca is a Certified Personal Trainer with more than 5 years of experience in the field. They call her “The Hammer” and for good reason; she is a force, tough but fair. With her on your side, you can achieve all of your goals!



Registered Dietitian

Kelsie graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno with her Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. With a genuine desire to help others understand how to best feed and care for their bodies, Kelsie (and her puppy, Lorenzo) perfectly rounds out the holistic approach of the HIIT36 team!

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